
Make a video presentation that engages and inspires

Prezi Video makes video presentations better by putting you and your content on screen together, making it a lot easier for you to engage and interact with your ...


Welcome to Prezi, the presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter.

Video examples curated by Prezi's editors

Explore the best Prezi videos, curated by Prezi's editors. Use Prezi Video to live stream your content, or record and share later with your students, ...

What is Prezi Video?

Welcome to Prezi Video, a brand new video creator that puts you right alongside your content as you live stream or record, for a seamless and personalized ...


PreziVideomakesvideopresentationsbetterbyputtingyouandyourcontentonscreentogether,makingitaloteasierforyoutoengageandinteractwithyour ...,WelcometoPrezi,thepresentationsoftwarethatusesmotion,zoom,andspatialrelationshipstobringyourideastolifeandmakeyouagreatpresenter.,ExplorethebestPrezivideos,curatedbyPrezi'seditors.UsePreziVideotolivestreamyourcontent,orrecordandsharelaterwithyourstudents, .....
